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DB Configuration

Database configuration is defined in your package's config/ file.

Within this file you may specify none, one or more database connections using various backends, dialects and drivers.

Due to the nature of Uvicore's Configuration System any consumer of your package can tweak your package's connection strings within their own app. They may prefer aiomysql vs pymysql and even add a prefix to all database tables.


Uvicore utilizes the async SQLAlchemy Core 2.0 for most database connections and therefore supports all databases, dialects and drivers that SQLAlchemy does!

When running the Uvicore Installer, if you answered Yes to installing Database tools, then Uvicore already comes SQLAlchemy Core 2.0 and a few common DBAL libraries like aiomysql, aiosqlite and asyncpg.

If you answered No to Database tools and would like to add them manually...

Ensure you have installed the database extras from the framework.

# Poetry pyproject.toml
uvicore = {version = "0.3.*", extras = ["database", "redis", "web"]}

# Pipenv Pipfile
uvicore = {version = "==0.3.*", extras = ["database", "redis", "web"]}

# requirements.txt
uvicore[database,redis,web] == 0.3.*

After the database extras have been installed you must update your config/ dependencies to include the uvicore.database provider

    'dependencies': OrderedDict({
        # ...
        'uvicore.database': {
            'provider': '',
        # Optional if you will be using Uvicore's ORM!
        # 'uvicore.orm': {
        #     'provider': 'uvicore.orm.package.provider.Orm',
        # },

Notice the ORM dependency does not need to be defined. Uvicore can use a raw query builder level database access layer without an ORM.

Connection Strings

Uvicore uses your package's config/ to store connection strings.


When defining connections be sure to wrap all values in env() so users can overwrite the values from their own .env and help keep secrets out of git!

config = {
    # ...
    'database': {
        'default': env('DATABASE_DEFAULT', 'wiki'),
        'connections': {
            # SQLite Example
            # 'wiki': {
            #     'backend': env('DB_WIKI_BACKEND', 'sqlalchemy'),
            #     'dialect': env('DB_WIKI_DIALECT', 'sqlite'),
            #     'driver': env('DB_WIKI_DRIVER', 'aiosqlite'),
            #     'database': env('DB_WIKI_DB', ':memory:'),
            #     'prefix': env('DB_WIKI_PREFIX', None),
            #     # If 'url' is defined using sqlalchemy backend,
            #     # it will be used instead of deriving one from the properties above.
            #     'url': '',
            # },

            # MySQL Example
            'wiki': {
                'backend': 'sqlalchemy',
                'dialect': env('DB_WIKI_DIALECT', 'mysql'),
                'driver': env('DB_WIKI_DRIVER', 'aiomysql'),
                'host': env('DB_WIKI_HOST', ''),
                'port':'DB_WIKI_PORT', 3306),
                'database': env('DB_WIKI_DB', 'appstub'),
                'username': env('DB_WIKI_USER', 'root'),
                'password': env('DB_WIKI_PASSWORD', 'techie'),
                'prefix': env('DB_WIKI_PREFIX', None),
                'url': '',
                # If 'url' is defined using sqlalchemy backend,
                # it will be used instead of deriving one from the properties above.
                # All options passed directly as **kwargs to the backends connect, create_pool,
                # create_engine or other backend specific create methods
                # Example enable SSL using pymysql driver
                # 'options': {
                #     'ssl_ca': '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt',
                # },
                # Example enable SSL using aiomysql driver
                # 'options': {
                #     'ssl': True
                # }
    # ...
The options dictionary are values passed directly to the driver creation. In the case of SQLAlchemy, this would be the connect_args parameter of create_engine()

Backends, Drivers and Dialects

Uvicore's database config section is geared towards SQLAlchemy. But there is nothing stopping you from adding other connection properties that may be useful to your specific driver (mongodb, snowflake etc...).

The 3 main properties that dictate the backend and drivers to use are

  • A backend specifies the primary abstraction library. Uvicore defaults to the sqlalchemy backend. In the future Uvicore may support other backends.
  • A dialect is passed to SQLAlchemy to denote the type of database such as mysql, sqlite, postgres.
  • A driver is the DBAL used by SQLAlchemy to talk to the database, such as aiomysql, aiosqlite, asyncpg and pymysql.

For the default sqlalchemy backend, you may use any compatible dialect defined here As for SQLAlchemy drivers, there are many for each dialect which are also referenced in the link above.

If you were to use a 3rd party dialect like snowflake-sqlalchemy you may utilize the url property to specify the exact connection URL directly. Or you can use the IoC and provide an override for the entire uvicore.database.db.Db class and overload the init() method!

View from CLI

From the Uvicore CLI, you can see all deeply merged connection strings for your app and any Uvicore package dependencies that use the DB by running

./uvicore db connections