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Proper Scope


This section is for contributing developers of the uvicore source code. Or for folks who just wish to learn how uvicore works under the hood!

SQLAlchemy Engine

According to the SQLAlchemy Core documentation, the engine (from create_engine) should be a global/singleton object created just once for a particular database server/connection.

This is achieved in Uvicore because the Db module is bound as a singleton in the IoC

After uvicore is fully booted, all packages DB connections are organized and sync or async engines are created for them and stored in the DB singleton and accessible at uvicore.db.engines!

SQLAlchemy Metadata

According to the SQLAlchemy Core documentation, each unique connections Metadata should also be a global/singleton object.

This is achieved in Uvicore similar to the engine above. The DB module is a singleton and on boot, creates unique Metadata objects for each unique connection accessible at uvicore.db.metadatas. As each SQLAlchemy table is created from your packages, they are associated with the proper Metadata automatically.

SQLAlchemy Connect and Results

According to the SQLAlchemy Core documentation, each query [engine] connection and the Results of that query should be scoped inside the connect block. This means the SQLAlchemy Results object is not returned from the execution method directly.

Uvicore handles this in all of the helper execution classes inside (all, fetchall, first, fetchone, one, one_or_none, scalars, scalar, scalar_one, scalar_one_or_none etc...). The only exception to this rule is the generic db.execute() method which does return the sa.CursorResult directly as it is up to the caller to handle results and scope properly.

All of this means SQLAlchemy's .connect() or .begin() is scoped to just the query execution itself. There is no need to manually open or close a connection.